Living Colours: A Biomimetic Approach to Inform and Inspire Design
Carlos Fiorentino
Mixed media
I arrived to the north from the very south —Argentina—in 2005, when pursuing my Master’s degree in visual communication design at the University of Alberta. The interdisciplinary character of the Design Studies program had a big influence in my career afterwards. Almost 10 years later my next frontier is my current doctoral research in human ecology, which explores color in nature in the context of biomimetic design. Observing colors in nature leads to interesting questions from a designer’s perspective: What is the purpose of color in life-forms? What strategies in nature take advantage of the ability to read color and why?
Credits: Doctoral advisors: Megan Strickfaden, Anne Bissonnette & Tomislav Terzin. Photograph credits: Tomislav Terzin, Gail Shumway,,,,, Zygote Quarterly journal